Replacing the Gutter Drain Pipes – Using our Schumacher Warranty

Replacing the Gutter Drain Pipes – Using our Schumacher Warranty

Schumacher has a warranty on the house. If you find anything at all for the first year, they come fix it. (They also come back once to touch up paint. You decide when and schedule it.) There is a 2 year warranty on all mechanicals and a ten year warranty on everything structural.

The water rushes out where the gutter downspouts hit the drain pipe
The water rushes out where the gutter downspouts hit the drain pipe

The first thing we have had to use our warranty for is the gutter drain pipes. Instead of draining away, the gutter diverted the rain into a geyser that flooded our carport.

Quick Fix - Temporary so it stops bubbling into the carport
Quick Fix – Temporary so it stops bubbling into the carport

We called and Schumacher sent someone out who gave us a quick fix. He disconnected the drainpipes and put in temporary pipes to direct the water away from the carport. Then they scheduled the repair.

They put in all new drain pipes.
They put in all new drain pipes.

We called 811 and had the underground stuff marked. Power and Cable showed right up.

Advance Notice:
Within 3 to 12 full working days
Number of days in advance of a digging project that you need to notify the one call center of your intent to dig.

Marks Valid:
Good to 15 working days
Defines the period of time the facility marks (paint, flags, stakes, etc.) are valid according to state law or practice.

What they marked crossed right over where our drain pipes were. I am betting that’s what happened to them…

Digging a trench to lay new drain pipes.
Digging a trench to lay new drain pipes.
A couple of weeks later, a guy with pipe and a backhoe showed up.
Digging a trench to put new drain pipes in.
Digging a trench to put new drain pipes in.

He dug a new trench, farther out than the original drainlines.

Hand Digging around the power and cable lines
Hand Digging around the power and cable lines

When he got to where it was marked, he carefully dug by hand. It was hard digging! The ground was frozen.

Putting the soil back
Putting the soil back

He put the pipes in the trench, connected them to the drainspouts, pushed the soil back and tamped it down.

Two new gutter drain pipes
Two new gutter drain pipes

Here is where the new pipes end. We are supposed to have rain today, so they will get a test.