We went to the open house when they first launched Acony Bell Tiny Home Community. Since then the development has grown and matured into a real neighborhood with vacation homes and year-round residents. It is unusual to find one of the best locations available to …
When tiny homes first came out, we calculated how much it would cost to build one ourselves. It came to more than we expected! And lumber and everything else has gone up a lot since then. This tiny house is finished, on a frame with …
Someone renovating a vintage camper told me he is going to make a murphy bed using the hardware from a sofa bed. A thrift store sofa bed costs less than murphy bed hardware. Huh! That might work! He asked for some photos of what the …
Two of the new Modular Homes near us I talked about earlier were delivered. A crane moved them onto the foundation and they are in the process of completion. So if you want to be my neighbor, this is your opportunity. The two sections of …
Carolina Siding is pretty popular around here for rustic, cabin style houses. It might be the least expensive way to cover the outside of a house. Local lumberyards have a stack of it and will sell it pretty cheap. What is Carolina Siding and where …
No. You may not even have to have a down payment at all! You can borrow more than 80% of the price of the house you are buying. You can actually borrow a lot more. If you are buying your first home, or haven’t owned …
They are putting in three new modular homes right next to us. We noticed some work being done on the land behind the Westwood Cabin. The land was owned by the guy who has the rentals on the other side of our land. He has …
This modular home is on Facebook Marketplace. It is a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with an unfinished upstairs. It was delivered, but has not been put together on a foundation. The man who bought it had a change in circumstances and is asking $199,000 …
If your North Carolina home was affected by Hurricane Helene and PTC8 (Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight, the storm we got before Helene), the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program is accepting applications.* The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program is managed by the North Carolina Department of Public Safety’s …
You can buy a container for as little as $2,650 to turn into a Shipping Container Home. Or you can buy this one that is already completed. It has two bedrooms, a full bath, kitchen, even a fireplace! The containers range in price. They are …
I’ve been asked for a floor plan with a progress list with links, so here it is.
Click to Open a printable floor plan with measurements Westwood Cabin Floor Plan and Front Elevation Modified Creekside Manor 3016
14′-8″ x 52′-0″
Approved for North Carolina
This is where we are at now. We have the CO (Certificate of Occupancy). That “releases the address” to have power.
They have flagged the route the underground conduit will take. They said it could be installed by day-before-yesterday. It wasn’t.
The grass is growing. We put in azalea and rhododendron down the side of the driveway.
But with a CO, Mom can start moving things in. Her home is staged and ready for the real estate photos. As soon as it’s listed, I’ll add some links to the listing here.
The next step when this was first posted was having the cabin delivered.
We were told we had to grant an easement for the water and sewer line. We own both lots, but we were told we had to grant ourselves an easement to cross our own back yard for the water and sewer. (You know somebody must have sued somebody sometime.) The plumber, Jeremy Dills, recommended a lawyer who can “draft a permanent easement” without a survey. The lawyer took forever to get around to it. Which was really frustrating, but then it ended up the city didn’t need an easement after all.
Finished foundation, ready for the cabin
We also heard from the cabin company that we had to have a crane. There was not enough room to slide the cabin off the truck.
We did have to have a crane.
That’s where we were at when I first posted this, waiting to find out about a crane and waiting for a lawyer. The cabin was delivered the next week in horrible weather and we should have waited. But how were we to know it would take months to get water?