Johnson Pine Pre-finished Wood Walls and Ceilings

Westwood cabins finishes the interior walls and ceiling with Johnson Pine pre-finished lumber.
Johnson Pine makes “easy interlocking tongue and groove boards” with a hard finish already applied to all sides.
The boards fit together top and bottom and at the ends, so there are no gaps that go all the way through.
End-Matching means that each board has a tongue on one side and a groove on the other side. When the boards are installed, the ends lock together and create a bond that will eliminate the chance of the boards cupping and helps reduce expansion and contraction of the wood.
We can choose from;
- 8″ V Groove
- 8″ Shiplap
- 8″ Shiplap with Nickel Gap
- Choice of finish
- Smooth or Wirebrush texture

Available in 6” or 8” boards
Johnson Pine Finishes and Colors
There are nine different finishes available.

Preserve the natural wood grain beauty of eastern white pine with natural clear finish
Johnson Pine Premium Grade
Available in 6” or 8” boards
Empire Clear Coat
Preserve the natural wood grain beauty of eastern white pine with natural clear finish

Whitewash walls
Empire Clear Coat ceiling
Johnson Pine 8” boards
This is what Empire Clear Coat looks like on a ceiling on one of the cabins we toured.

A classic warm wood finish with timeless styling
Smooth and wirebrush textures available
Johnson Pine Premium Grade
Available in 6” or 8” boards
A classic warm wood finish with timeless styling
Smooth and wirebrush textures available

Almond with V-groove walls and ceiling
Johnson Pine 8” boards
I am not positive on the color of the photos that I took, but this looks like Almond to me.

Farmhouse Glaze walls
Almond ceiling
Johnson Pine 8” boards
A lot of the cabins had more grain showing on the ceiling with more opaque finish on the walls.

Whitewash wall with V-groove
Almond ceiling
Johnson Pine 8” boards
Trim boards can match wall or ceiling. I saw some that introduced another, third color.

Shows warm characteristics that shifts color and depth
Johnson Pine Premium Grade
Available in 6” or 8” boards
Shows warm characteristics that shifts color and depth
I don’t think we saw any walls finished with this. It looks the most cabin to me.

Crisp and clean to add a modern touch of minimalizm
Johnson Pine Premium Grade
Available in 6” or 8” boards
Arctic White
Crisp and clean to add a modern touch of minimalizm
Arctic White is the smoothest finish. The grain doesn’t show through. It looks the most cottage to me.

Johnson Pine Premium Grade
Available in 6” or 8” boards
If you ignore the LED recessed lighting, doesn’t this look like the ceiling in an old house?

Clean white with natural textures
Whitewash lets the grain and knots peek through
Smooth and wirebrush textures available
Johnson Pine Premium Grade
Available in 6” or 8” boards
Clean white with natural textures
Whitewash lets the grain and knots peek through
Smooth and wirebrush textures available
Whitewash lets some of the grain show through, so it is a warmer white.

Whitewash wall with V-groove
Johnson Pine 8” boards
The grain shows, but not a whole lot. It doesn’t look busy.

Whitewash walls
Empire Clear Coat ceiling
Johnson Pine 8” boards
It’s light, but natural… Kinda beach cottage.

Pale finish popular for ceilings and beach decor
Smooth and wirebrush textures available
Johnson Pine Premium Grade
Available in 6” or 8” boards
Pale finish popular for ceilings and beach decor
Smooth and wirebrush textures available
Stonewash is a lot like Farmhouse Glaze, just maybe darker. Why didn’t I take a sample? Maybe because it showed more grain?

Classic pine with just a hint of gray glaze
Smooth and wirebrush textures available
Johnson Pine Premium Grade
Available in 6” or 8” boards
Farmhouse Glaze
Classic pine with just a hint of gray glaze
Smooth and wirebrush textures available
Farmhouse Glaze is greyish. It neutralizes some of the warm tones in the natural pine.

Farmhouse Glaze walls
Almond ceiling
Johnson Pine 8” boards
In real life it looks kinda neutral pinkish/peachish to me.

Smooth and wirebrush textures
This is one of the finishes available wire brushed. Wirebrush doesn’t just change the texture. It adds shadowing which alters the appearance and color of the wood.

Dark gray patina that highlights the wood grain while still providing a balanced, even color palette
Johnson Pine Premium Grade
Available in 6” or 8” boards
Dark gray patina that highlights the wood grain while still providing a balanced, even color palette
Driftwood is beautiful, but too dark for my taste.

These naturally occuring bluestain pine boards are specially selected and clearcoated to create a distinctly unique display of color and texture.
Johnson Pine Premium Grade
Available in 6” or 8” boards
These naturally occuring bluestain pine boards are specially selected and clearcoated to create a distinctly unique display of color and texture.
Bluestain is really really busy. I love it in concept, but I could not handle it on my walls.

Where the boards meet
The groove between the boards is available as ship lap, nickel gap and V-groove.

Smooth or Wirebrush texture
Nickel Gap leaves a gap between the boards about the width of a nickel. Because the wood is tongue and groove, there is no actual gap in the wall for air to come through.

Classic Tongue & Groove Eastern White Pine
V-Groove has the edges of the wood angled off so that a groove is visible where the wood fits together.

Whitewash wall with V-groove
Johnson Pine 8” boards
This is what it looks like up close. On the walls it is less obvious.
I just looked through all of my photos and if we saw anything else, I forgot to take a picture of it.

Johnson Pine Samples
These are the three samples we brought home. Arctic White is a true white with a semi-gloss finish. The other two are both Farmhouse Glaze. Farmhouse Glaze is a more matte opaque finish that still allows some of the grain to show through. The wirebrush version lets a lot more grey to show through. It changes a lot. In some light it looks almost bluish.
Johnson Pine
Johnson Pine and Johnson Lumber Company has been producing unique, quality products since 1977. One of the reasons our customers continue to choose Eastern White Pine is due to its natural beauty and character.
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