Patton Park: Meadowbrook Terrace Streambank Restoration
We waited and waited and finally they came and surveyed for the project. They stuck flags all over our yard so we could match it up with what the project map said was going to happen. I stopped doing anything at all about the bamboo, thinking they were going to be digging it all out soon anyway.
And we waited and waited.
Finally we heard they had started on part of the project. We drove over to Patton Park to see what they were doing.
This is what it had looked like.
This is what it looked like now.
There was a small pond.
Now it was just a muddy hole.
We looked up the information on the sign.
Multi-Area Streambank Restoration
The City of Hendersonville’s Multi-area Streambank Restoration Project will restore approximately 11,000 linear feet of streambanks and will protect existing infrastructure while improving stream health and water quality. The project consists of streambank restoration efforts at thirteen sites throughout the City, a stormwater wetland retrofit at Patton Park and other stormwater management components. The project also consists of sanitary sewer replacement and upgrades at three sites including one within Patton Park.
They started working on it late sometime last year and it was still an awful mess.
It was a mess.
I looked it up. They started October 2019. In December the post said, “These areas will be affected by construction for at least two months depending on the weather.”
In January they said, “Heavy rain events and contractors encountering unsuitable soils have caused some delays in the construction timeline.”
In February they wrote, “Weather delays and undercut issues have slowed sewer line installation progress. Contractors plan to begin adding Saturdays and Sundays into the construction schedule (weather permitting) to expedite the installation of the sewer line thru the parking lot areas.”
In June they wrote,”… beginning in June and lasting through the end of August, the constructed stormwater wetland and Britton Creek stabilization work will be completed within the park. The above timeframes represent a range and are subject to change depending on weather conditions.”
We were no longer looking forward to these people working in our yard.
We drove down there a couple of weeks ago and it didn’t look any better than it had the last time we saw it. We figured they were going to run out of money before they got to the brook by our log cabin.
Meadowbrook Terrace Streambank Restoration
Meadowbrook Terrace Streambank Restoration Plan
Comet Drive Streambank Restoration Plan
The Out of Control Bamboo or Cane
The Broken Retaining Wall
Pond & Streambank Restoration at Patton Park
Day 1 Restoring the Streambank at the Log Cabin
Day 2 Restoring the Streambank at the Log Cabin