763 Square Foot Cabin Blueprint: Living Room and Loft Floor Plans and Electric Plans

The measurements are specific now, so we can be more confident about furniture plans. This lets you know exactly how much space there is and specifically where the windows and doors are. The electric plan lets you know where the outlets and switches are.

Living Room Floor Plan
The blueprint floor plan lets you know exactly how much space there is and specifically where the windows and doors are.

Living Room Electrical Plan
This is the electric plan, where the outlets and switches are.

Loft Floor Plan
13′ 5.5″ x 10’6″ storage loft
How much space is in the loft?
The loft is 13′ 5.5″ wide x 10’6″ deep. That is a little over 140 square feet of floor space.
The entire side facing the hall is open. There is a railing to keep things from falling out.
If it makes it too inconvenient to put things up there, we can tear it out, but code requires it.

Loft Floor Plan
13′ 5.5″ x 10’6″ storage loft
About 5-feet high in the center, a lot less on the sides
The sidewalls are 8-feet high. The center is 12’6” high.
The sidewalls are lower over the laundry and bath to 7-feet.
The floor takes up about 9-inches.
That leaves over 5-feet high in the center. It is a lot less on the sides, but still a lot of storage.

Loft Electrical Plan
The loft has a switch in the ceiling to control 4 lights. There is also an outlet… just in case.
See more photos and floor plans at www.westwoodcabins.com and www.facebook.com/westwoodcabins.
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